Activities Filter

Select the activities you need to work on in your Lookahead.

To work on your Lookahead, the first thing you should do is set the "Activities" filter to select the ones you need to work on. To do this you must follow the steps shown below:

  • Enter the Activities Filter by clicking on the corresponding button. This will display the activity tree of your Master Schedule.
  • In order to start building your Lookahead, you must select the activities that you would like to break down into tasks. In Outbuild, you have several filtering options whether you want to work on a specific time period or you want to hand pick specific activities. 
    • To select an Activity, click the checkbox to the left of the Activity name. Select in the activity tree all the ones you need to work on in your Lookahead. If you select a master activity, all of its child activities will be included in the selection.

    • If you need to view only the activities within a period, before selecting the activities in the tree, you must click on the calendar icon to define the time window to review. Only the activities of the Master Schedule that have dates in the selected timeframe will be included in the selection tree.

  • You can choose between:
    • Show all activities - to see the complete tree of activities from your Master Schedule.
    • Free Range - to define the start and end date of the period to review.
    • 1 to 8 weeks, starting today.
  • Finally, you click the Apply filter button and voila! You have the activities available in your Lookahead.


The Apply filter button will only be available when you have selected at least one activity from the tree and a maximum of 1000 .