Cloning Options

This article details the different options of duplicating your schedule in Outbuild.

In outbuild, you have the option to clone the schedule to quickly create a template, test out what-if scenarios, or save a version of the schedule. 

To clone the schedule, navigate to the stage drop-down menu and click on the ellipsis that is next to the stage name you want to clone. 

Select Clone in the Stage Settings Menu.

You will then be able to choose what you would like to clone. Outbuild provides three options -

  • Copy Everything - This option will include data from all Outbuild Modules 
    • Master Schedule: Activity Names, Dates, Durations, IDs, Scheduling Constraints, Baselines, Calendars, Progress, Responsible Parties, and Companies
    • Lookahead: Lookahead tasks, Progress, Responsible Parties, Companies, Description, and Roadblocks
    • Weekly Plan: All weekly plan tasks for each week committed and RFVs (Reasons for Variance)
    • Analytics: All historical analytic data
  • Copy Schedule - This option will only make a copy of the Master Schedule (does not include Lookahead, Weekly Plan, or Analytics)
    • Master Schedule: Activity Names, Dates, Durations, IDs, Scheduling Constraints, Baselines, Calendars, Progress, Responsible Parties, and Companies
  • Copy Schedule & Lookahead - This option will make a copy of the Master Schedule and the Lookahead (does not include Weekly Plan or Analytics)
    • Master Schedule: Activity Names, Dates, Durations, IDs, Scheduling Constraints, Baselines, Calendars, Progress, Responsible Parties, and Companies
    • Lookahead: Lookahead tasks, Progress, Responsible Parties, Companies, Description, and Roadblocks

If a schedule is cloned into a different project, the clone will not show users or companies that are not already assigned to the new project.