Functionalities in the Gantt > Shortcuts

Take advantage of the actions you can perform on the Gantt by using these quick and easy shortcuts.

On the Gantt, you can perform some quick actions, such as:

  • Multi-select

To select multiple activities you have two options. Simply hold the "ctrl" key and use your cursor to select specific activities. You can also use your cursor to select a group of activities by selecting an activity, holding the shift key, and selecting a different activity. This will select all of the activities located in between.

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  • Copy/Paste

Simply select the activities you would like to copy/paste and use "ctrl+c" to copy & "ctrl+v" to paste. If the activities were copied or pasted successfully, you will see a small pop-up at the top right of your window.

  • Undo

Made a mistake? Simply use "ctrl+z" to undo any action.

  • Indent/Outdent

To indent/outdent an activity select a group of activities and either press the "tab" key to indent or "shift+tab" to outdent.

  • Change the order of activities:

To reorder any activity on your Master Plan simply "drag and drop" to reorder it. 

  • Navigate through the rows and columns:

With the arrow keys you can navigate through the rows & columns. To edit a field simply begin typing and press the "enter" key to make the change.


Learn about more options in Gantt Features > Buttons .