How to Add a Project in Outbuild?

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add a project in Outbuild. Users can easily create and manage their projects, specifying project details such as name, type, budget, size, and stage name.

⚠️ Only users with Admin or SuperAdmin role can create new projects. 


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1. After logging into Outbuild, navigate to the top of the Projects Dashboard and click "Add Project".

Screenshot of: After logging into Outbuild, navigate to the top of the Projects Dashboard and click "Add Project".

2. You can now enter the Project Details like name, type, budget, and size.

Screenshot of: You can now enter the Project Details like name, type, budget, and size.

3. Next, you will enter the name of the stage. This stage will be where your first schedule for this project lives.

Screenshot of: Next, you will enter the name of the stage. This stage will be where your first schedule for this project lives.

4. Click the plus sign to add the stage. You can add multiple stages here if needed or you can add stages in Project Settings after the Project is created.

Screenshot of: Click the plus sign to add the stage. You can add multiple stages here if needed or you can add stages in Project Settings after the Project is created.

5. After you add the stage(s), click "Add Project" and you will be brought back to the dashboard where you will find the newly created project.

Screenshot of: After you add the stage(s), click "Add Project" and you will be brought back to the dashboard where you will find the newly created project.

6. Once you open the new project, you will have the option to import an existing schedule or build a schedule from scratch in Outbuild.

Screenshot of: Once you open the new project, you will have the option to import an existing schedule or build a schedule from scratch in Outbuild.

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