Review and compare the speed of progress in your activities with rhythmic programming.
Speed curves are a tool that allows you to understand the behavior of each activity, being able to rely on them to improve your planning week by week.Each activity has 3 curves:
Base: Indicates the number of units that must be completed each week according to the base dates of the activity (baseline dates of your Master Plan).
Scheduled: Indicates the number of units that must be completed each week according to the dates established for each activity task in the Intermediate Plan.
Actual: Shows the number of units that have actually been completed for each activity (the units are counted in the week in which progress was actually made).
To view them, you must enter the Analytics module, Rhythmic section. Under the Progress Matrix (which you can learn more about in the article Progress Matrix) you will find the Velocity Curves panel, in which you must select or the activities you want to view and then click on the Load button, as shown. shown in the animation below: