Task cards

View and edit all the information about your tasks on their respective cards.

Each task has a card in which all the information related to it is shown. To view it, you just have to click on the name of the task. In the same way, to edit the information, just click on the field to edit.

On the task card you can edit:

  • Responsible
  • Task name
  • Lean State
  • Subcontract
  • Percentage of completion
  • Quantity of resources
  • Execution dates

In addition, there are 3 tabs to view and manage:

  • Constraints: Where to review all those corresponding to the task and manage them (release or reschedule them if necessary).
  • CNCs: Where you can review the Causes of Non-Compliance each week for the task, with their respective percentages. Also, you will be able to manage their status (if it has not yet been resolved, it is in process or it has been resolved).
  • Resources: Where you can review and edit the resources assigned for the task.

Finally, there is an Activity Log, where all the edits made to the task are recorded, showing the editing date, who edited and what was modified.