User Roles

In Outbuild there are different user roles, with different permissions depending on the functions they will perform.

The table below shows the available user roles and their capabilities:

This matrix can also be viewed within Outbuild by going to Settings> Project Settings> Users and clicking the "i" next to “+Create User”.


There is one role not listed in the Matrix - Super Admin 🦸‍♂️. This role should be reserved for those users that need full access to ALL projects. 

Super Admins have all the permissions of an Admin plus -

  • Access to all projects current and newly created
  • Do not have to be assigned to projects 

The only designated Super Admin is the Outbuild Admin until this role is requested.

  • Only Super Admins can change the role of another user to SuperAdmin.
  • An Admin cannot make themselves a SuperAdmin
  • If this role is required please speak to your designated Success Manager or hit the help chat in the bottom right corner and select "Chat with Support."

Super Admins and Admins are the only roles that can create new projects. These roles will see the "Add Project" button in the Projects Dashboard.