Columns - Intermediate Plan and Weekly Plan

Configure the information you want to view for your tasks.

In both the Intermediate Plan and the Weekly Plan, there are various columns with information about your tasks, which you can activate or deactivate whenever you want in the checkbox available next to each item, leaving only what you need visible.

Among the available options are:

  • Description: You can include a description to the task, either to record greater detail or any additional information that is required.
  • Start: Date on which the task begins.
  • Duration: Days that the task lasts.
  • End: Date on which the task ends.
  • Priority: You can prioritize your tasks, classifying them with Low, Normal, High or Urgent priority.
  • Progress: Indicates the percentage progress of the tasks.
  • Responsible: Each task can be assigned to a person responsible within the project.
  • Weighting: The weighting of each of the tasks is generated automatically when they are created.

However, you can freely edit the weighting of each task, as long as the sum of said weights entered to the tasks of an activity adds up to 100.

Lean State: Tasks must be classified according to:

  • Must: It is the initial state when creating a task, it indicates that it must be performed in the future.
  • Can: When you have what is necessary to execute a task, it should be classified in the "Can" status.
  • Weekly Plan: When the task is planned to be executed in the short term, it must be classified as in this state. Thus, the task will be available in the Weekly Plan to be committed.
  • Committed: This status is only available in the Weekly Plan. Tasks that are in the "To be done" state can move to the "Committed" state, which indicates that they must begin their execution in the week in which they are located.
The committed tasks are those that affect the PPC of your project.
  • Restricted: This status is temporary and corresponds to tasks that have restrictions pending release.
  • Subcontract: Each task can be assigned to a subcontract added to the project.
  • Cost: You can assign a monetary cost to the tasks you add.
  • Total HH: Shows the assigned Man Hours.
  • Expected: Corresponds to the progress that the task is expected to have according to the planned execution dates for it.
  • Expected cost: Cost that should be had to date, according to the total cost entered and the execution dates of the task.

Also, there are some exclusive columns of the Weekly Plan, which are detailed below:

  • Expected Weekly: Shows the percentage of progress that the task is expected to achieve at the end of the week.
  • Accumulated Commitment: Corresponds to the percentage of progress that is committed to achieving at the end of the week.
  • Material: Shows the material type assigned to the task.
  • Total Material: Total amount of material assigned to a task.
  • Actual Material: Shows the material used to date according to the progress recorded.
  • Partial Commitment: Corresponds to the percentage of progress missing to reach the goal of the Accumulated Commitment. That is, it corresponds to the difference between the Accumulated Commitment and the Current Progress of each task.
  • Weekly Material: Corresponds to the amount of material committed for the week.