User Creation and Assignment

Easily add users to your Outbuild project following these steps.

To add users to your project there are two options:

  1. New users who do not have an Outbuild account:
    1. To add new users to your project, go to Project Settings and click on the Users tab. 
    2. Then, click on the "+ Create User" button. This will open a window where you can enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite to the platform. Don't forget to assign them a user role as well (for more information on user roles, view the User Roles article)
  2. Users who already have a Outbuild account:
    1. From Project Settings, Users tab, you must click on the "+ Assign Users" button.
    2. A list will open with all the users registered in the company, where you can select those who will participate in your project.